Happy New Year 2019

Happy New Year 2019.  To start off this year, I aim to be focusing on happiness, passion and health.
It's currently my semester break,  I decided to: 

1. continue learning Korean language
2. watch all the dramas I've been missing out

I decided to back on my old habits like blogging and posting random quotes about life... but there are actually a lot of changing of mindset happened in me.
I don't know how to describe it in a specific way. A lot of things in me just changed. I guess we can take it as "growing up" ? But some of my favorites still the same though.

I still love to read, it's just no time for it. 
I think this is an excuse for not reading anything. I mean if we love it so much, we will not give up, right?

2019, I want to find my passion.
I used to be a girl who knows what she wants and what to achieve. But right now, after being in university, I feel like I am lost. I feel like I lost all my passions on editing, or reading or creating. It make me start to ask myself, did I have the passion in the beginning? 

I hope that you, who are reading this post right now, can be happy always.
We want to achieve things in life but still, being healthy is on the top list so please take care of yourself.
I am not sure where you are when you are reading this, but continue your habits, reading or writing or whatever it is, continue it so it becomes a habit and make you discipline, not give up.

By the time I am writing this . or you are reading this,
it's actually the end of the Lunar New Year.

But I still, wish you a happy lunar new year 😊❤


Take care and good luck,


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